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Compare Swimmers

No swimmers selected for comparison. Add at least one swimmer to the compare using instructions below.


For new users, the fastest way to add swimmers to your compare is by using our search by clicking , which is also located in the top right corner of the banner of every page.

Besides the search, swimmers can also be added throughout the website, anywhere there is a list of swimmers, there will be a green button with a '+' sign in the middle, like this: Examples are the favorites page, teams page when a team is selected, and anytime you are viewing a ranked list of swimmers in an event or in IMX/IMR. Each swimmers' row will have the symbol. To add, just click on the symbol. To remove a swimmer from your compare, click the blue button with the '-' sign. Once you are done adding swimmers to compare, navigate back to this page.

Example from the search page:

Example from the top swimmers in the 200 Freestyle:

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