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2024 USA Olympic Swimmers

Below is the list of 2024 USA Olympic swim team. Included is their meet count which is a link to their meet history. While their meet histories are not complete, we include all results we have, which for some go back to as young as 5 years old. Click on events to view their event history.

You can add any of the olympians to your favorites by clicking on the corresponding '' images. To compare swimmers to yours at the same age, click on the corresponding '' buttons and then navigate to our Compare page.

1Phoebe Bacon22WI62
2Katharine Berkoff23NC95
3Erika Connolly26SE23
4Kate Douglass22MR34
5Erin Gemmell19PV79
6Katie Grimes18CA128
7Torri Huske21PV51
8Lilly King27IN6
9Katie Ledecky27FL38
10Paige Madden25MR4
11Simone Manuel28ST40
12Anna Peplowski21IN15
13Alexandra Shackell17IN80
14Regan Smith22ST92
15Alex Walsh23VA56
16Gretchen Walsh21VA63
17Emma Weber20VA111
18Claire Weinstein17CA97
19Abbey Weitzeil27PC65
20Emma Weyant22FL133
1Jack Alexy21PC49
2Hunter Armstrong23MR33
3Shaine Casas24ST38
4Brooks Curry23PC20
5Caeleb Dressel28FL78
6Matthew Fallon21MA48
7Nic Fink31MR23
8Bobby Finke24FL153
9Carson Foster22OH80
10Christopher Guiliano21IN10
11Thomas Heilman17VA90
12Ryan Held29MR29
13Luke Hobson21PC68
14David Johnston22CA69
15Keaton Jones19AZ17
16Chase Kalisz30ST28
17Drew Kibler24MR39
18Matthew King22NT75
19Josh Matheny21IN52
20Ryan Murphy29PC84
21Blake Pieroni28IN22
22Aaron Shackell20IN82
23Kieran Smith24CT36
24Charlie Swanson26VA79
25Luca Urlando22SN31
26Luke Whitlock18IN19

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