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1Liberty Williams2216:35.20    Olympic TrialsUN-03
2Aly Breslin2216:37.96    Olympic TrialsTENN
3Averee Preble2316:40.79    Olympic TrialsAU
Olympic Trials16:45.69
4Kate McCarville2116:48.71    FuturesTENN
5Lauren Wetherell2116:59.02    FuturesTENN
6Colby Hurt2317:03.65    FuturesAU
7Lilly Byrne2317:07.38    FuturesAU
8Laci Black2017:09.47    FuturesBAMA
9Mackenzie Brandt2017:16.46    SectionalsBAMA
10Olivia Dinehart1917:23.56    SectionalsAU
11Sophia Kiryk1917:24.13    SectionalsCMSA
12Rebekah Hamilton2117:34.21    SectionalsAU
13Katie Russell1917:34.98    SectionalsAU
14Payton Marvin2317:38.08    SectionalsAU
15Julia Burroughs2017:50.30    SectionalsTENN
16Ellen Doyle1918:06.73    CMSA
17Nicole Caruso2018:11.27    XCEL
18Carson Muir1918:12.41    BSL
19Caroline Netolicky1918:13.27    XCEL
20Sara Lypko1918:14.18    GPAC
21Aislyn Barnett1918:14.75    AU
22Shannah Dillman2018:19.43    ARGO
23Cassie Lowe1918:20.00    BSC
24Clare Sprinkle2218:21.84    MTS
25Josephine Fuller2118:33.95    TENN
26Hannah Krings2018:41.61    MSA
27Makayla Young2218:41.77    FRST
28Ella Sieber1918:43.66    PCST
29Kathryn Salsbury2118:44.72    TALN
30Ainsley Jones2018:50.92    UN
31Erin McCann2418:52.79    UN-24
32Laci Herron2018:54.66    ARGO
33Alexandria Morgan1918:59.90    LIFE
34Bekah Benedict1919:03.17    PA
35Jocelyn Reynolds1919:03.82    BSL
36Sofia Howard2019:08.36    AUB
37Andie Scelsi4319:09.27    CA
38Sara Stotler2119:10.15    TENN
39Sydney Hartis2119:11.40    ARGO
40Ellie Waldrep2219:11.50    AU
41Jenna Halliday2119:11.97    BXST
42Julia Striker1919:16.11    MCC
43Jordan Aurnou-Rhees2219:22.48    UN
44Rylee Woelk2219:31.73    ARGO
45Charlotte Murphree1919:34.13    BAY
46Alli Wells2019:38.37    XCEL
47Jaxon Thurman1919:43.81    MCC
48Morgan Mangum2119:46.93    ARGO
49Lucy Patterson2219:49.83    MTS
50Trinity Devanney2019:51.59    CMSA
51Madelyn Weathers1919:55.25    SETS
52Audrey Rackel2219:59.15    BAY
53Abigail King1920:03.36    TNAQ
54Keely Stevenson2120:03.41    UN-SE
55Zoe Feldblum1920:08.90    TNAQ
56Hannah Tomlinson1920:14.27    NAC
57Caroline Schenck2020:14.59    BAY
58Cailyn Kelly1920:16.20    BSL
59Elizabeth Busby2020:26.89    XCEL
60Elizabeth Davis1920:31.05    UN-4
61Annemieke Blackman4620:35.22    LIFE
62Sydney Kalange1920:41.08    HSA
63Amelia White1920:50.17    XCEL
64Katherine Herbst2621:13.94    LTFSE
65Maddie Sugden1921:17.17    BAY
66Lydia Bohannon2121:17.20    BAY
67Amanda Denny1921:21.09    XCEL
68Angelina Rossi2121:25.95    UN
69Fionah Desautels1921:37.89    AUB
70Erin Lake1922:15.17    SETS
71Maggie Boyle1922:23.21    TNAQ
72Isabel Harris2123:02.08    GPAC
73Madeline Olive1925:38.04    PCST

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