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    - NT / Metroplex Aquatics

1Ethan Bonow1800:25.45    
2Sherwin Xu1700:26.23    
3Hudson Bawduniak1700:26.46    
4Blake DSpain1800:26.68    
5Enzo Fiorese1700:26.76    
6Evan Fang1800:26.98    
7Ben Blalock1700:27.12    
8Cameron Upchurch1800:27.14    
9Donald Palmer1800:27.25    
10Gavin Bolton1800:27.26    
11Daniel Miller1700:27.70    
12Gabe Rogers1800:27.79    
13Conner Broderick1700:27.86    
14George Hoverman1700:27.94    
15Austin Stone1800:28.35    
16Aden Johnson1800:28.42    
17Gurneel Kochar1700:28.66    
18Quinn Shilliday1700:28.89    
19Christopher Wang1700:28.91    
20Jared Peterson1800:28.92    
21Dylan Suwannakinthorn1700:29.22    
22Trevan Valena1700:29.66    
23Ansh Anand1700:30.19    
24Kyle Chakery1700:32.53    
25Grant Hu1800:32.60    
26CJ Volpe1700:32.70    
27Rome Bowman1800:32.98    
28Sean Easley1700:33.05    
29Jacob Turner1800:33.43    
30Lonoehu Wacasey1800:33.74    
31Justin Chang1700:34.46    
32Woojin Lee1700:34.96    
33Arihant Vishnubhotla1800:35.01    
34Abiel Torres1700:35.25    
35Nathan Jacobbe1800:35.85    
36Anderson Selinger1800:36.01    
37Seth Ball1700:36.82    
38Emiliano Ayala1700:37.94    
39Luke Elliott1700:38.32    
40Nathan Wu1800:38.92    
41Brady Stangl1700:40.19    
42Stephen Thompson1800:41.31    
43Conner Morgan1800:46.73    
44Karson Soward1700:58.18    

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