NOTICE: Click Create Account to create an account that allows your favorites and other settings to follow you from device to device/computer. Registered users also have additional features enabled.
MySwimIO Registration
Fill in the fields on the left.
Once you submit your registration information, you will receive an email to confirm your email address. Click on the link sent in the email, which will bring you back to the site and complete your registration.
You can use your username or email address to login.
Username must be unique, begin with a letter, be between 5 and 30 alphanumeric characters only, and cannot contain spaces
Usernames are NOT case sensitive.
Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters, contain no spaces, and have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
Only one registered account per email address. You will need to confirm your email address before we activate your account.
Your password cannot be reset without access to your email account.
Opt-in: We will periodically send emails with updates and information concerning the website. Unchecking this box will unsubscribe you from all emails except critical notices. Note: This can be changed later.
LSC selection is required. If you don't know your LSC, please contact your coach or someone else on your team to find out. Note: This can be changed later.
Roles allows us to communicate better with each group and get an idea of who is using the site. While we currently do not confirm roles, we may add the capability in the future. Note: This can be changed later.
If you cannot read the current captcha image value, click on the image and it will refresh with a new image.
Referrer is optional. This is the username or email address of the person who referred you to the site. They must have an existing account. Leave blank if none or unknown.