NOTICE: User accounts have been implemented. Click on the Login button in the banner or Create Account. There is also a Referral contest. Details can be found here: Contest Details.
SPECIAL NOTICE: We are looking for a writer that would be interested in creating an article that reviews MySwimIO and can publish it to repubtable online swim and sports related websites.
Please contact Us:
NOTICE: We've processed 40 meet results from this past weekend visit your favorites page to see if we've processed a meet for your swimmers.
NOTICE: We will be implementing notices on the site. We will add a "dismiss" button, but for now it will show until we take it down. We may tie this into the opt-out selection on the setup page. Important notices, like outages, cannot be opt-out of. Feel free to email us your thoughts on this.


Page Sensitive help coming Soon!


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    - CA / Fontana Aquatics Club

1Dyson Lewis2000:47.60    
2Jacob Gonzalez1900:49.03    
3Sebastian Williams1900:52.43R  
4Eden Reyes1900:58.81    
5Corbin Lewis1900:59.06    
6Emilio Lemus1901:08.86    

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