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NOTICE: We've processed 40 meet results from this past weekend visit your favorites page to see if we've processed a meet for your swimmers.
NOTICE: We will be implementing notices on the site. We will add a "dismiss" button, but for now it will show until we take it down. We may tie this into the opt-out selection on the setup page. Important notices, like outages, cannot be opt-out of. Feel free to email us your thoughts on this.


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    - FL / Bolles School Sharks

1El Mehdi El Aoufir1901:49.74    
2Tomohiro Nozaki2001:50.14    
3Seth Tolentino1901:50.67    
4Porawat Rommaneekochchakorn1901:53.09    
5Evan Larson1901:53.29    
6Jackson Bowen1901:53.49    
7Ansen Meyer2101:53.55    
8Jack Hattery2201:53.93    
9Jonathan Hall2001:54.78    
10James Bowen1901:55.16    
11Abdelrahman Shaheen1901:55.36    
12Andrew Heck1901:56.34    
13Basar Butun1901:56.92    
14Michael McGrath1901:58.31    
15Jackson Wilcox1901:58.34    
16Lachlan Andrew2001:58.55    
17Jake Gibbons2701:58.70    
18Tucker Peterson2001:58.86    
19Louie Body VI2001:59.03    
20Timothy Mai2001:59.55    
21Abdelrahman Shahin1901:59.94    
22Gage Hulbert2002:00.35    
23Jaden Bunt1902:00.56    
24Stefano Bonati1902:00.71    
25Ryan Pritchard2002:03.86    
26David Goodwin1902:06.16    
27Lucas Ferreira1902:07.35    
28Jack Whitten2002:09.13    
29Barrie Snyder III1902:10.55    
30Matthew Chao1902:11.78    
31Seth Lape1902:11.86    
32Joseph Brownell2002:40.01    
33Morgan Ray2102:40.16    

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