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SPECIAL NOTICE: We are looking for a writer that would be interested in creating an article that reviews MySwimIO and can publish it to repubtable online swim and sports related websites.
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NOTICE: We've processed 40 meet results from this past weekend visit your favorites page to see if we've processed a meet for your swimmers.
NOTICE: We will be implementing notices on the site. We will add a "dismiss" button, but for now it will show until we take it down. We may tie this into the opt-out selection on the setup page. Important notices, like outages, cannot be opt-out of. Feel free to email us your thoughts on this.


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    - UT / Utah Aquatics

1Jaek Horner2301:45.08    Futures
2Baylor Lewis2101:47.84    Futures
3Evan VanBrocklin2001:47.92    Futures
4Landon Alarcon2001:48.89    Futures
5Kelson Flynn1901:49.45    
6Finn OHaimhirgin2301:50.70    
7Samuel Lucas2201:50.93    
8Matthew Wilcox2401:52.06    
9Brandon Miller2001:52.50    
10Preston Planells2301:52.54    
11Holden Ellsworth2101:53.25    
12Dylan Becker2201:54.41    
13Kellen Cameron1901:54.41    
14Parker McOmber2401:55.08    
15Caleb Gallagher1901:56.19    
16JP Hynes2301:56.22    
17Noah Carlson2301:56.64    
18Jackson Kehler2001:57.05    
19Jack Saber2001:57.33A
20Jonathan Michaels1901:58.53    
21Lucas Calderon2102:02.13    
22Nicholas Chirafisi1902:06.83    

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