NOTICE: Click Create Account to create an account that allows your favorites and other settings to follow you from device to device/computer. Registered users also have additional features enabled.
Meet Results Dropbox
The Meet Results dropbox is for users to upload hy-tek zipped files to our website. Only zip files can be uploaded. There are limits to file size and to the number of files that can be uploaded by a user.
All files will be scanned for viruses and if any malicious intent is suspected, we will block you.
If you have any questions about the use of this tool, please contact us:
Please note that you won't see the meet results immediately on our website. Any meet result files successfullly uploaded will be processed nightly at 3am central time.
Choose LSC for meet files
User Key from the setup page:
NOTE REPEATING: All files will be scanned for viruses, checksum validation, etc and if any malicious intent is suspected, we will block you.